Andy Schofield

‘Your Final Authority’ By Pastor Joel

Paul the Apostle told the Romans not to be patterned after this world’s mould (Romans 12 v 2), but to be transformed by the Word, not conformed to the world.

Information affects your mind, but revelation affects your heart and voice. Revelation is holy information that is unlocked by God’s Word. 

Smith Wigglesworth said: “Through the lips divine utterance flow, our hearts rejoice & our tongue is glad its an inward power within which is manifested in outward expression”.

God has no double standard, His Word can be trusted, He doesn’t say one thing today and something else tomorrow! He changes not, He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Carry the attitude that says: “If God said it, that settles it in my life…. if I believe it”.

Ensure God’s Word is the foundation of all aspects of your life, because when you make His Word your final authority, it will stabilise you and make you confident whilst others around you are confused! You’ll be peaceful when others are under pressure. You’ll be overcoming when others are enduring and being overcome. 

When His Word is your final authority, you believe in your heart what God says instead of what people say! God’s say is final in your life, not others.

Kenneth E. Hagin said: “Thinking faith thoughts and speaking faith words will lead the heart out of defeat and into total victory”.

If you have ever wondered how you will see change, the key is your change of mind. Your life will not change until your mind changes. Once your mind is renewed to God’s Word; your life begins to be patterned after the image that is in your mind, because the mind is the decision maker.

Proverbs 22 v 17 (AMPC): ““Listen carefully and hear the words of the wise, And apply your mind to my knowledge”. verse 18: “For it will be pleasant if you keep them in mind [incorporating them as guiding principles]; Let them be ready on your lips [to guide and strengthen yourself and others]”. verse 19: “So that your trust (belief, reliance, support, and confidence) may be in the Lord, I have made known these things to you today, even to you”.


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‘The Force of Peace’

DAY 74

By Pastor Joel

Peace is a powerful force, it isn’t soft, it is strong! Peace RULES!

Daniel 10 v 19 says: “And he said (the angel) “O man greatly beloved, FEAR NOT! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!”

So when he spoke to me I was strengthened and said: “Let my Lord speak, for you have strengthened me”.

Just as you know the presence of God by peace, you know the presence of the enemy by fear! Notice how God strengthened Daniel, He spoke to Him and when His Words were heard by Daniel, it brought strength and peace. Peace garrisons and mounts guard over your heart and mind like a bodyguard!

Philippians 4 v 6 – 7 AMPC: “And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”.

The Apostle Paul described the footwear of a warrior “having shod your feet in preparation (to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news) of the Gospel of peace” Ephesians 6 v 15 (AMP).

The footwear Paul described, was solid brass from foot to knee, strong enough to protect a soldier’s legs from any kind of lacerations or bruises. They were very sturdy and impenetrable! They enabled the Roman soldiers to march over rocky, thorny terrain without injury.

That is what the ‘Peace of God’ will do for you, it will enable us to go the distance, go on seemingly dangerous missions for the Lord without suffering harm. Ephesians 6 v 15: “…feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace”. To have your feet ‘shod’, meant to fasten on very tightly! In other words, hold on tightly to your peace, protect it and it will protect you.

I declare: “Great perfect peace guards you, transcends all understanding. God’s peace is your tranquil state of soul assurance of your salvation through Christ, be content, fearing nothing in Jesus Name”.


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‘Faith In The Blood’

DAY 73

By Pastor Joel

The Blood of Jesus not only silences the devil but also silences the voice of self-condemnation too! Be quick to repent, quick to forgive and quick to believe.

Romans 3 v 25, declares “….through faith in His blood, we are righteous….”.

Many have left the blood out of their faith confessions. But if you are going to have ever increasing faith in the blood of Jesus this year, you need to have a bold confession of faith in what the blood of Jesus has done for you. Your faith must be in the realities of what Jesus’ blood in heaven has purchased and what His blood does on the inside of you.

His blood has granted you access in to God’s presence: Hebrews 10 v 19: “enter the Holiest by the blood…”.

The moment you access God’s presence, you also give God access to every single part of your life and any situation you need His help. You are not trying to get healing, you have literally accessed ‘The Healer’. You are not trying to get the provision required, you have accessed ‘The Provider’ Jehovah Jirah.

Exercise your ‘right of access’ and draw closer and closer to The Father with your child-like faith. Have unshakable assurance that God is eager to receive you! Don’t let feelings of guilt because of the past and any sense of unworthiness rob you of the power of Jesus’ blood!

You are not under the shadow of sin, you are under God’s spout where His glorious grace is being poured out. You don’t need to ask anyone to put in a good word for you when they go and pray!

No body has greater access to God The Father, nobody can get closer to God than you can. As God’s ‘blood bought children’, we have been brought near to Himself! Have faith in His Blood.


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