Our Vision is Three-fold...
We see strong FAITH churches giving LIFE throughout the North of England.
We see a training centre, where people grow exponentially in faith for life and ministry.
We see a Life Centre impacting local and global communities with the life giving gospel of Jesus Christ.
Local Churches
Gathering the Body
Faith Life is a vibrant Word and Spirit church that gathers across the NorthWest of the UK. We are a stronghold for the Word and the move of the Spirit.
We are called to build gathering places where the Word of God penetrates people’s hearts and where hearts are turned and transformed. The Spirit of God is free to move mightily!
We lead people into the anointing where burdens are removed and yokes are destroyed. Where the Spirit of God is there is freedom!
Training Centre
Ministry Training and Discipleship
Faith Life is called to equip all for the work of the ministry. We do this through The Faith Centre. The Faith Centre is two-fold including our Ministry Training Centre and Housefires: The Prayer Movement of FLC.
You must realise that everyone, including you, is equipped to fulfil the ministry assigned to them both individually and corporately. Once you realise this important fact you can go onward in the assignment and plan that God has for your life!
You can learn more by delving into The Faith Centre.
Life Centre
Imparting Life
Life Centres are the outreach arm of Faith Life Campuses. This is where we are trained to reach into our community and into the World with The Good News of Jesus. If you have a heart for evangelism, missions or compassion works Faith Life has something for you to get involved in!
Whether it is reaching your friends in your home, going out on the streets to preach or getting involved in short term missions we want to see you achieve the Great Commission.
Our Community Trust (based in Manchester) allows you to be involved with serving people directly through our foodbank, job club and CAP.
Our Core Values
We show up
We gather in unity, and always bring our best, we honour God with excellence that inspires
We live by Faith
We think Big, we commit to grow and boldly put into action the dreams God imparts to make an impact both locally and globally.
We live to give
We are contributors not consumers, we recognise it is truly better to give than it is to receive.
We are a praying church
We pray because it is the vital work of the church. Prayer is at the heart of everything we do.
We walk in love
We are people of uncommon kindness, we honour one another and we are there for each other.
We serve with enthusiasm
We are people who commit to serve God enthusiastically, with joy and passion.
We prepare well
We commit to prepare an environment where people find God’s presence, His love and their freedom.