Sundays @10am
Watch live or catch up with previous messages from FLC Manchester!

Kids Church is on!
We have an amazing welcome for you at Kids Church! We want to see you grow in all God has for you! Come and enjoy a full church service full of faith and fun!

Impact Youth
Our desire is to raise up a GENERATION of Youth and Young Adults that have a genuine relationship with God and that knows their God-given Kingdom Mission and the IMPACT they have on our world for Jesus!

Live Every Sunday at 10am!
Stay connected and focussed as we worship and hear the Word!

Get Involved and Serve at Faith Life!
Steps to Serve
Now you may or may not know where you want to serve yet but what are your next steps?
Step One:
At whatever Faith Life location you call home…talk to someone, get to know people and let the team know you want to get involved.
Step Two:
Fill in the online form by clicking the button below.
Step Three:
We will be in touch via email and take it from there!